Setanta wrote:I don't need sermons about honor from the likes of you--i've
addressed your obvious lies more than once, and i'll not feed the trolls.
That 's a LIE, Setanta,
except when u have been
equally vague and general in your defamations, with
NO evidence.
I challenge u on your personal veracity:
show us when u have offered evidence that I
was inconsistent in describing these incidents: u
CANNOT and u
If I
really HAD changed details in describing these incidents,
then that really woud be evidence that I had been untruthful.
So u just
lie about it in a completely
vague and general way
NOT the slightest iota of any trace of such evidence in your effort to
defame me.
The more I think about it, the more I like the idea
of bringing this up repeatedly, on a continuing basis, to embarrass u
with your defamatory
lies. U shoud be
ASHAMED of yourself,
ostensibly a man of learning,
preferring to attack someone on an
ad hominem basis
rather than to address differences of philosophy, on the actual merits.
Setanta wrote:Do you have anything relevant to say on the subject of social media, especially in regard to its use by children?
I do. Yes. I will post on that.
I 'm giving u notice NOW, that unless u
and unless u
ADMIT that I have
NOT been inconsistent
in describing those incidents (either that, or prove that u r correct)
I will begin a
long-term practice of raising the question of your
personal veracity -- the
ABSENCE thereof-- frequently,
VERY frequently, pointing out your hypocritical prevarication,
mendacity, deception, personal dishonesty and fraud.
I will say it to your face, in posts directed to u.
I will
TRUTHFULLY, mention it in posts to other people,
on threads to which u have posted
and on threads to which u have not posted.
Maybe I 'll
START some threads on the topic of your dishonesty.
(Please note that u r
MORE than
welcome to retaliate in kind; I 'd
LOVE that.)
I will
TRUTHFULLY point out to everyone
the moral vacancy that is Setanta, and your bad character in dishonestly defaming me.
I will
fun with u.
Let 's see how
creative I can
be (always consistent with the truth).
Note that I am
not assuming a
DUTY to bring it up in every single post.
It coud be possible that a few might slip thru without my bringing up your dishonesty.
I 'll try to keep those to a minimum.
If u explain your reasoning,
showing any implausibility in regard to these incidents
if u show inconsistencies in my descriptions of these incidents,
then I might re-consider my plans.
If not, then u can accept this as my Declaration of
FUN on u;
truthful fun, always truthful !
I 'd rather resolve this quickly and amicably.
Setanta wrote:If not, don't waste the band width here.
Setanta: I don 't take orders from U.