CalamityJane wrote:Some here seem to forget that children - and teens for that matter - are not logically thinking adults.
My goodness! What an
INSULT to children. U shoud be ashamed.
I still feel like I am the same kid (on the inside) just fatter, older and uglier
on the outside.
CalamityJane wrote:They are gullible, naive and trustworthy, especially
when it comes to their peers or "so called" peers.
People are gullible at all ages.
I learned, when I was 11,
NEVER to trust
especially not my "so-called peers") with more than I am willing to
that time, I learned that
skepticism is a great & valuable virtue
and trust shoud be kept to an
absolute minimum.
CalamityJane wrote:I coach and explain to my kid all the pitfalls of the internet to the point where she can recite every word of mine, only to turn around and befriend some "friend of friend" who is supposedly her own age and shows a teen avatar picture.
Maybe she
does not accept your reasoning.
CalamityJane wrote:The point is, kids are kids and they need to be protected and the last thing any of us want, is that they're exploited in social venues like facebook.
As long as she neither reveals any personal information,
nor meets anyone in the real world (at least not without a bodyguard), there appears no threat to security.
CalamityJane wrote:Several of my daughter's friends have sent me friend requests and I accepted (I am honored actually),
and I do get friend suggestions from their friend lists - something that never should happen. These are still minors,
regardless if I befriend one of them or not. Minors should not show up on anyone's friend suggestion list, period!!
So far as I am aware, no child has sent me any friend request,
but I converse the same with
anyone and
everyone (unless I dislike his personality) regardless of age.
I do not believe that its good to discriminate qua age (young nor old).
When I was a kid, I 'd have taken that as a severe personal insult.