Setanta wrote:As usual, David, you miss the point because you're so absorbed in the alleged excellence of your point of view.
I tried to be polite to the child,
In the last sentence of my post,
I was
having a little fun with u, Setanta.
(Note, incidentally, that I have not "alleged"
that my point of vu is excellent
[altho that is my tacit belief]. )
If u feel like it, u might address the earlier part thereof.
If u don't feel like it, then please forget about it.
Setanta wrote:and i tried to make her understand that her mother and father
should be involved in her participation at Facebook. The point,
which seems to have eluded you entirely, is that a man my age
who is predatory, who wants to take advantage of the situation
for his own perverse gratification could very easily exploit
a naïve and trusting child such as her.
HOPE that she is not "trusting" but I have no way of knowing whether she is.
In that circumstance, I 'd have pointed out the dangers
of going around promiscuously
trusting people. In point of fact,
I have done so, e.g., when having picked up juvenile hitchhikers,
I have pointed out that this practice has been
and has led to violent ends; she shoud
not trust to the mental stability
of the next random stranger that picks her up.
U 'd have served her security interests well,
if u had mentioned that for her safety,
she shoud withhold any personal information
(e.g., street address) and to avoid meeting
anyone in the real world (at least not without a bodyguard).
Maybe u did.
Setanta wrote:Not every post here can reasonably be considered an opportunity
for you to peddle your bullshit stories about your childhood
and the putative "wisdom" of your ideology.
It is my opinion
that the denizens of this forum post their respective points of vu here.
Those vu points have been based upon their life experiences,
to which thay might not always cite, in particular, but which
have been the competent producing causes of those opinions.
When I took the Dale Carnegie speakers' course, I was advised
that: "details bore
; examples score." I have given both
details and examples. That is also something that lawyers
get into the habit of doing, from case citation in their writings.
Anyway, I will continue to do whatever I damn please
(at least until required to amend by our host).
I suspect that u will do likewise; correct me, if I am in error on this point.
Setanta wrote:You may not be aware of it, but trying to turn every subject
into a disply of the excellence of your own views and philosophy--
trying to make every post about you--is the behavior of a troll.
I have been led to believe that trolls are defined by their
insincerity in posting
inflamatory comments
for the purpose of exciting emotional responses. I am innocent of that,
unless I 'm just kidding around, joking.