@reasoning logic,
reasoning logic wrote:
Quote:Of course we can know things. I have never said we cannot.
We just cant know the things that seem absurd and have no evidence of existing?
Once again, I think this is just your way to derogate the "I do not know if there are gods" notion.
The answer to the question "What is the true nature of the REALITY of existence"...may include gods, RL.
But it has become obvious that you are determined never to acknowledge that it is even possible for that to be.
So your comment, "We just cant know the things that seem absurd and have no evidence of existing?" mostly goes to that." You want to consider the notion of "the possibility of gods" to be absurd.
That is your right...but you will never be able to come at this problem with an open mind...UNLESS YOU ALLOW YOURSELF TO HAVE AN OPEN MIND.
Do you know with absolute certainty that YOU, RL, are not GOD? Do you know with absolute certainty that there really is a universe and that all those other people with whom you interact really exist...and that they are not merely an illusion created by you...AS A GOD? An illusion of a world of others so that you do not have to live all alone?
I don't, RL.
I live my life in the (whatever it is) as though I am just a small part of it...a few molecules on a tiny speck of dust in a vast universe. I live my life as though there is no illusion...that all of this is real.
But I cannot rule out the possibility that the thing I call "my mind" is all there is...and that everything is an illusion of that mind...created by that mind.
I cannot reasonably consider the notion of gods (or at least one GOD) to be an absurdity...
...the way you so recklessly and illogically do.
Because there is at least the possibility that I am all that exists.