izzythepush wrote:
Fido wrote:
[Capitalism does not work...
Yes it does..... For the richest 2o%.
Not even.... In their shortsighted blindness, perhaps it may seem to work... But; in taking all security they make their whole society more insecure... In taking all wealth they make wealth meaningless so that no one will respect them better for their wealth, and they will have to enjoy what they have taken out of everyone else's suffering... And when they have destroyed their society and ours, -as inequalities of wealth always does, then who will call them winners??? Capitalism is being supported by the government in the name of the very people who can no longer help themselves because they have been exploited to the brink of poverty... Then the party of the rich say this largess on the part of the people must be paid by the people out of their social safety net... You see; it works for no one, and only seems to work for some and is ultimately the cause of extinction of whole classes and nations...