Ceili-Traffic circles are pretty rare in the PNW. I don't know of any in Seattle or Portland. We have three in my little town because we have a daring city manager. These are right next to each other and have been the reason for many letters to the editor, most totally disgruntled. "What do I do?" "Why did you build these?" being the gist of most letters.

I was pleased since I'd learned to love them in Spain.
Who knew there could be so many ways to screw up driving them? I actually saw one person go the wrong way! <snicker> One of ours is a five-way, which makes it even more complicated for the dimwits. After two years of use most people around here have got it figured out, but there are still some odd driving moments on that street.
Uh-oh, I just checked and the one I thought was a five-way is a six-way, sort of. Six roads connect, but one is an entry-only coming off the highway, and one is an exit-only ramp onto the highway. Can we count them as one? We don't have any double rotaries. Those do sound confusing. (How do those work?)