What is the meaning? It is a means more than a meaning and it is a means to discriminate from day 1. Gender, labeling as it were, discriminates. You knew as much when you indicated and asked about how we perceive gender issues.
In the hospital, the boys get blue, the girls get pink.
Take them home, the boys get their hair kept short and are dressed a particular way. Even if his hair grows long he gets no fancy accessories.
The girl has her hair growing longer, adorned with ribbons and bows and barrettes and or maybe a sparkly headband...ever see the parents start their boy off with those?
The boy receives tin soldiers, toy horses, toy pistols, toy cars, model airplanes, toy ships for his bath.
The girl receives toy dolls, little play cooking sets, play shopping carts, and little doll houses.
Then they are taught to play different games,
The boy learns to collect baseball cards.
The girl learns to collect flowers and pour invisible tea at her little tea party.
Is there an innate leaning towards A or B? I don't believe so. Even the alleged studies that claim they keep things neutral, don't truly do such. The study is led by a male or female, that male or female has been placed in a particular group already and although they don't mean to, they convey there own bias to the members of the research group.
From early on the children are looked at and examined if they don't fit into the grid which has been placed for them. They may be allowed to vary from these behaviors and interests very briefly at the earliest ages but not beyond.
Did X or Y come first? What does it matter, to know that will add a new layer in the mess of discrimination because then one will feel superior to the other having been first and it will be at the very least hinted at to future children that they are either of the first or second gender.
Why do we question gender? Because we are generally curious and want answers to everything. Is it so hard to believe that there aren't answers to some things at least not answers that a mortal can find? Why can't we just be people without idiotic labels?