Thomas wrote:
thomas wrote:- There's the Bush administration's "torture for peace and justice" program in Guantanamo Bay.
To be fair, that one seems to have improved somewhat under Obama. But who knows what continues to go on in the CIA's secret prisons throughout the world?
You know what goes on... When you are denied the facts you know that what goes on demands your attention and action because our own liberty depends upon our having the truth with which to act, and because, no matter how hard we try we cannot deny moral responsibility for what is done, period, in our names or not, and we will be held responsible by those injured when the injury of the world is anathema to our democracy... We know what is done, but we are commanded by the same fear inflicted upon others that paralyzes, If, we are not among those counting the profits of injustice... Ignorance is a mask we wear to disguise from our selves our disgust and self hatred... Democracy demands courage and morality and as a society we have neither... So people wish on to others what they would not for a moment bear themselves.... But I think we cannot all possibly be Lutherens here... We cannot all draw the line between the inner and the outer man... We cannot all save our souls and at the same moment countenance tyranny as so many Germans did with Hitler...
It is the same as with this question: Since we know the social programs designed to palliate the worst aspects of capitalism were never designed for good, but to continue injustice without end, and now we see tyranny so complete by the rich that they will take off the kid gloves and reveal the mailed fist, and force us to watch people starve and die of disease in the streets while our public hospitals fold, knowing we have no choice, no ability to react, no moral ground upon which to stand since we have already sold so often the rights of others for coins... We are living the lie... Not one of us can afford to stand up and accuse another of bald faced lies in order to support tyranny... We have all been guilty of the same crime...