Need to practice
Sounds like heaven on earth to me
I'm all ears now play.
I'm all ears now play
Aussies rules or UK gaming
Heaven is a place on earth!
Heaven is a place on earth.
Tomorrow is an other day.
We will play again.
We will play again
Only if you change your shoes
Unfair advantage
Unfair advantage --
the quite typical complaint
of one who's losing.
of one who's losing.
Please give me a helping hand.
She'll be right you say.
;She'll be right' you say,
Being Australian; but
We don't say that here.
We don't say that here.
Would you like to teach me than,
How you would say it?
How would you say it,
Being a koala bear?
Just "I hate Qantas."
Just 'I hate Qantas'
Is no reason to fly with
A dodgy airline.
A dodgy airline.
Enough for me to take boat.
Safer don't you think so?
Safer don't you think so?
Well depends if lotsa storms
Where is that Stormwatch?
Where is that Stormwatch.
She never ever ventures this far.
Must tell her about it.
Must tell her about
The greenfly on the rosebush.
Pity she's in Spain.
Pity she's in Spain
Spinning silk into kerchiefs
For the Faery Queen.
For the Faery Queen
Knows a thing or two, I bet.
She is some smart broad.
E.G. who dunnit,
Edvard Grieg, half Scottish, he
Wrote Anitra's Dance.
Whoops sorry, gilding the lily.
Wrote Anitra's Dance
Did he? Well, somebody did
I know it weren't me.
I know it weren't me
Yer Honour, I were just at
The crossroads, sleeping.
The crossroads, sleeping,
waiting for the travellers,
decisions ahead.