Win life's lottery:
First buy the ticket, and then
Lose it in the wind.
Lose it in the wind
my voice is carried onward
whispy like a cloud.
Whispy like a cloud
Her hair like silvery thread
Translucent glory
Translucent glory,
Sunset over Atlantic -
Billows smooth and deep.
billows smooth and deep
ride the waves where they take me
a new adventure
A new adventure
Taking baby steps at first
Soon I'll find the way
Soon I'll find the way
my life is supposed to turn
for now I wander.
For now I wander
Lost and alone, still searching
The meaning of life
The meaning of life
for some who ponder it now
it will pass on by.
It will pass on by,
This bloated feeling in my
Stomach after bread.
stomach after bread
when reading dictionaries
alphabetic trail
alphabetic trail
vowels and consonants make up
vast display of words
vast display of words
thoughts conveyed with eloquence
tools of the wordsmith
tools of the wordsmith
tied up and bound in old books
Libraries collect
Libraries collect
All the treasures of the world
The world in our hands.
The world in our hands,
mud under our fingernails,
growing things delight.
Growing things delight
in pushing up mud and snow
Springing in beauty
Springing in beauty
fingers deftly pick harp strings
soft harmony sings
soft harmony sings
chords of contentment ring out
bring on the trumpets!
Bring on the trumpets,
sound the horns and drum the drums.
Setanta's in town!