Timing is everything.
If at first you don't succeed,
Don't start skydiving.
Don't start skydiving
gravity can be painful
plant your feet on earth
Plant your feet on earth,
raise your face and arms up high,
and smile with the sun.
And smile to the sun,
Chaste and warm in all that air,
When the moon tempts you.
when the moon tempts you,
ignore the flow in your heart,
wake up to the dawn.
wake up to the dawn
embrace the new day at hand
there's so much to do
There's so much to do
when you're a little person.
Colouring alone!
Colouring alone
is not a sign of good heath
let's drink a tonic
Let's drink a tonic.
Brandy sounds best, maybe with
a biscuit and cheese.
a biscuit and cheese
a little light snack to fill
the time before brunch.
The time before brunch
My tummy grumbles a bit
Feed me it proclaims!
Feed me, it proclaims
as the meter runs out, and
water gets colder.
Water gets colder
In the refrigerator.
So do raspberries.
So do raspberries,
Be they in some old seasons:
They can love as well.
They can love as well
as people, those small, fluffy
creatures we live with.
creatures we live with
cuddle in our arms each night
give us warm fuzzies
give us warm fuzzies
send a shiver up my spine
tickle funny bone
Tickle funny bone,
put buttercup under chin,
springtime laughter charms.
Springtime laughter charms
All who fall for it, the great
Power of nothing.
Power, of nothing,
over nothing, my love and
I sleep silently.