@Fil Albuquerque,
I'm just looking at a smaller scale than you, I think.
I think it all works the same no matter which layer you choose to look at.
Maybe I can describe my model a little better.
Say the info of my individual existence looks like a bubble with a sort of axis, like your apple.
I exist along any point of that axis, with the information of the bubble converging to that point.
At the event horizon of my birth, the point looks like the bottom of a tomato.
As I move along the axis, the information bubble distorts inward to converge at the present point of existence, until I reach the event horizon of death, which again looks like the bottom of a tomato.
The convergence of all possibilities accounts for the distortion on each side of the point of existence.
I can adapt this model to the universe, it requires an observer.
The problem remains the event horizon, how does this affect the observer, the information bubble?
Hope this doesn't sound too crazy