Sun 26 Jun, 2011 03:38 am
U Have Each been Granted 11 Virtual Wishes.
U can indicate the reason for each
or what u 'll do with it, if u wanna.
U can wish for a different number, if u wanna.
1. I wish my son Stephen was healthy.
2. I wish for happiness for all my children, heirs, relatives and ex wives.
3. I wish God had given women a supple and large third breast in the middle of their backs so I could take up ballroom dancing.
4. I wish people would forget all the hype and merely conduct themselves in the way all the great religions and religious teachers have instructed them to.
5. I wish that as a 12 year old, when I wished for women with large breasts who were never satisfied, I would have been more specific about how I meant SEXUALLY satisfied. Be careful what you wish for.
6. I wish that I did not fall prey to some of the same characteristics and judgmental attitudes I find so repugnant in others.
7. I wish to make steady forward progress in the years remaining to me re: wish #6.
8. I wish for the good health and fitness to perform on stage in a lively manner until I die at a ripe old age while having intercourse with a beautiful woman who loves me. (that's two wishes.....sneaky. )
9. I wish people would attempt to live with the Earth instead of merely on it.
10. I wish people would mind their own damn business.
11. I wish potato chips and onion dip were health food.