That's a great possibility. Only humans can create bombs to destroy this planet, and they have made great progress towards that end. The pollution of our water and air are progressing quickly, as humans burn more fossil fuels and add contaminants to our fresh water resources. Most of China's water are already contaminated. They're paying a very high price for the industrial complex that competes in this world.
“A man should never be ashamed to own that he has been in the wrong, which is but saying in other words that he is wiser today than he was yesterday.”
― Alexander Pope
This is the creative process, and creative people aren't afraid of being wrong.
If it's sent by ship then it's a cargo, if it's sent by road then it's a shipment.
- Dave Allen
Traces of Texas
It was Mark Twain who wrote "A man who holds a cat by the tail learns a lesson he can learn in no other way." I've found this to be a handy observation at various junctures in my life.
“He must be very ignorant for he answers every question he is asked.”
― Voltaire
“A student, filled with emotion and crying, implored, "Why is there so much suffering?"
Suzuki Roshi replied, "No reason.”
― Shunryu Suzuki, Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki, Author of "ZEN Mind, Beginner's Mind"
I get so tired listening to one million dollars here, one million dollars there, it's so petty.
- Imelda Marcos
"The second result of feeling that we are separate minds in an alien and mostly stupid universe is that we have no common sense, no way of making sense of the world upon which we are agreed in common. It's just my opinion against yours, and therefore the most aggressive and violent (and thus insensitive) propagandist makes the decisions. A muddle of conflicting opinions united by force of propaganda is the worst possible source of control for a powerful technology."
Irrevocable commitment to any religion is not only intellectual suicide, it is positive unfaith because it closes the mind to any new vision of the world. Faith is, above all, open-ness--an act of trust in the unknown."
Alan Watts, "The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are."
We have enough religion to make us hate, but not enough to make us love one another.
Jonathan Swift
“Women think with their whole bodies and they see things as a whole more than men do.”
-Dorothy Day
I wouldn't dare go to that next step.
@cicerone imposter,
To a journalist who told her it was the first time he had interviewed a saint, she [dorothy Day] replied, "Don't call me a saint. I don't want to be dismissed that easily."
"Parents are the last people on earth who ought to have children."
Samuel Butler
“An apology for the devil: it must be remembered that we have heard one side of the case. God has written all the books.”
Samuel Butler
"Man is the only animal that can remain on friendly terms with the victims he intends to eat until he eats them."
Samuel Butler
Brigands demand your money or your life; women require both.
Samuel Butler
I could tell my parents hated me. My bath toys were a toaster and a radio.
Rodney Dangerfield
The worst critic is yourself. If you can get over that, you can create anything.
W. A. Narod
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Martin Luther King, Jr.