Your Quote of the Day

Reply Wed 10 Jul, 2013 05:19 pm
"If an egg is boiled too long it becomes unsuitable for dipping soldiers in."


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Reply Wed 10 Jul, 2013 09:30 pm
I talk nonsense, therefore I'm human”
― Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Notes from Underground
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Reply Thu 11 Jul, 2013 04:30 am
My best pick-up line is "My name is Hugh Hefner."

HUGH HEFNER, Esquire, Jun. 2002
Reply Thu 11 Jul, 2013 02:33 pm
If you leave the smallest corner of your head vacant for a moment, other people's opinions will rush in from all quarters.
- George Bernard Shaw
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Reply Thu 11 Jul, 2013 02:54 pm
Those who love peace must learn to organize as effectively as those who love war" Martin Luther King, Jr.
Reply Thu 11 Jul, 2013 03:01 pm
“Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring--it was peace.”
― Milan Kundera
Reply Thu 11 Jul, 2013 03:15 pm
Wouldn't it be nice if Iraqis and Afghans go to experience that feeling, Vonny, instead of maybe having to see dogs as food to feed their children.

But you know, I think, in spite of all the horrors that the UK and US [and other poodles] brought upon those peoples, they probably do still sit on a hillside on a glorious afternoon and enjoy it.
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Lustig Andrei
Reply Thu 11 Jul, 2013 03:20 pm
"The man who has no inner-life is the slave of his surroundings."
-- Henri Frederic Amiel
Reply Thu 11 Jul, 2013 03:42 pm
@Lustig Andrei,
“Things come apart so easily when they have been held together with lies.”
― Dorothy Allison, Bastard Out of Carolina
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Lustig Andrei
Reply Thu 11 Jul, 2013 03:57 pm
"Most people sell their souls and live with a good conscience on the proceeds."
-- Logan Pearsall Smith
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Reply Fri 12 Jul, 2013 04:27 am
“And this I believe: that the free, exploring mind of the individual human is the most valuable thing in the world. And this I would fight for: the freedom of the mind to take any direction it wishes, undirected. And this I must fight against: any idea, religion, or government which limits or destroys the individual. This is what I am and what I am about.”
― John Steinbeck, East of Eden
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Reply Sat 13 Jul, 2013 05:52 am
Some people are making such thorough preparation for rainy days that they aren't enjoying today's sunshine.
William Feather
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Reply Sat 13 Jul, 2013 01:16 pm
Man's nature is to get defensive when told we're wrong and it is this stubborn unwillingness to receive instruction and/or correction that keeps truth from us.
- Bill Wiese
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Reply Sat 13 Jul, 2013 01:29 pm
“Asked how he became a star, Mr. Carson once replied, “I started in a gaseous state and then I cooled.”
― Johnny Carson
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Lustig Andrei
Reply Sat 13 Jul, 2013 01:32 pm
"In the theater, the audience wants to be surprised, but by things that they expect."
-- Tristan Bernard
Reply Sat 13 Jul, 2013 01:55 pm
@Lustig Andrei,
"In the theater, the audience wants to be surprised, but by things that they expect."
-- Tristan Bernard

That also describes the American audience, Merry. Y'all only want to be surprised by the propaganda you have come to expect.
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Reply Sun 14 Jul, 2013 09:59 am
“Life has got a habit of not standing hitched. You got to ride it like you find it. You got to change with it. If a day goes by that don't change some of your old notions for new ones, that is just about like trying to milk a dead cow.”
― Woody Guthrie

It's Woody's 101ST birthday.
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Reply Sun 14 Jul, 2013 03:02 pm
Laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion. I myself prefer to laugh, since there is less cleaning up to do afterward.
- Kurt Vonnegut
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Reply Mon 15 Jul, 2013 04:21 am
“As Mankind becomes more liberal, they will be more apt to allow that all those who conduct themselves as worthy members of the community are equally entitled to the protections of civil government. I hope ever to see America among the foremost nations of justice and liberality.”
― George Washington
Reply Mon 15 Jul, 2013 01:41 pm
I hope ever to see America among the foremost nations of justice and liberality.”
― George Washington

Poor George, spinning endless circles in his grave.
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