Quote:This is always a source of amusment for me when theists try to make their own religion derogitory by attempting to lump atheism into a religion. As if they are admitting that their religion has a bunch of bullshit in it and since they are aware of it, they have this need to toss atheism in with it as if to say, hah! yeah religion is bullshit but so is atheism.
Then apparently, I am trying to get you, to use your logical and reasoning skills! At no point, am I saying religion is bullshit, but so is atheism...I am saying a belief is the natural thing....And atheists deny this outright, but claim (in Denial ways, they are superior thinkers) But yet, they are not smart enough to see, that their rejection of a belief, is actually a belief...Which would incur, in the way they deny, that Beliefs are real, They are doing it, and it requires one, to be an honest person...Unless, you think neither here nor there...And genuinely believe that that is correct...And by having a belief...There is no reason for anything else that God has said to be bullshit at all...God says it takes a belief of faith to accept me, atheists do the exact opposite, and have a belief, of faith, God is not real...And they destroy themselves, by the very words they utter and proclaim against any living God....And they do not even realize they are doing it...Or wish to deny it, as if, any true God could actually be fooled by a human being doing that? They clearly, out-think, and outwit, their very own brains!
Quote:I know you don't see it that way by trying to point out that the internet is my "religion" and that I am trying to convert believers into atheists. But if what you say is true then EVERYTHING is a religion. Working, going to your job, driving, taking a shower, painting your house, would all fall into the same category.
How so? Do you go to your work, and proclaim to others a belief, or rejection of belief, how your job is a good thing or bad? Do you try to tell others why and how they should change their minds, based upon a belief, or rejection of belief? Do you give words of encouragement as to how it is good or bad, based upon a belief or rejection of a belief? Do you do this when you drive? Take a shower? Paint your house? etc....(I did not think so)
And if you genuinely say yes, than once again, it takes a belief, to understand things...And comparing a belief, or rejection of a belief to do it...(If it even exists) and then this website, and you, are not different at all....
Quote:Here is the thing, I don't convert anyone. All I try to do is get theists to actually use their brain. Use the actual reasoning portion of it. If they were to actually use it, they wouldn't be theists.
That, by definition, is a belief, not a rejection, and trying to convert...Nothing more I need to say about it...
Quote:But what is my motivation? Because theists like to push their social political views onto the rest of society and this causes more evil in the world than it solves. The only way to get them to stop is to remind them to use reason and logic instead of just blindly accepting something because it makes you feel good.
Still requires a belief, not a rejection...And still is trying to convert...
And what you have learned, based from above, is that to use their method, to end there method....
Which is irrational in itself...Either, their ways are not so bogus after all, And you wish to incorporate it, but for your own personal views, as you know it is not so illogical after all...
Or you truly do not understand the fact, you are in fact, mimicking the same exact things, they do, on the opposite side...And you "think" it is fact different....
And if you do not believe me...Or claim I am thinking irrational...
You think people are brainwashed and forced into religion right? And you have said to Vikkor in another thread forcing people is the only way, right?
What exactly, am I wrong about? And am thinking irrational about, to pose what I said above, directly to you,?? About the comparison of you doing the same thing they are, from the other side? And, either aware, and in denial, or totally unaware?