Quote:There is no possibility that Santa exists as advertised in our culture. In fact, it's rather amusing, becauses some scientists apply the "Santa Claus hypothesis" as an object lesson in probabilty. So, leaving aside reindeer flight propulsion systems, elven sweat shops at the North Pole, where the money comes from for his operation, an examination of probability shows it's not possible. If, only for sake of argument, one specified that Santa could travel instantaneously from house to house, and only spent one second delivering the toys at each house, he could not service even a tiny fraction of all the houses in North America between sundown on Christmas Eve and sunrise on Christmas day. That would be fewer than 60,000 homes, and there are tens of millions of homes in North America.
No, Santa Claus is not possible. But then, you're an adherent of an imaginary friend superstition, so i can see why you would say anything is possible.
Please direct this post directly to BillRM, as he seems to think there is a chance, because probability says so...
I said, I do not believe Santa exists...
Which is the same exact as saying I believe Santa does not exist...
In all, of what you posted, you seem to not, express an opinion about that, but rather give me facts as to how Santa is in fact, not real...
In which, I did not need a scientific analysis for me to accept the fact that Santa is not real...
And my opinion, had nothing to do with your scientific analysis about it...
Which means, I predetermined in my mind, if I thought he is real or not...And why...I formed a belief...About it/him....
And embrace my views, and opinions...
Just like you do about Gods...!!!
However, despite all this info you posted, it still does not destroy the fact, that in order to doubt something, you MUST be able to understand, that somehow in someway, it can, or others believe he does, or others say he does...etc...Others believe it/he can etc...
As it takes a belief, to believe, and it takes a belief, to deny....
You are the one, who said I must think he is possible...
And the answer to that, is yes, in order to believe, or deny something, there must be a reason as to why you are doing it...Or believe or deny something...
In this case, it is that at a young age, most, are taught there is a such thing...
So from speaking hypothetical's, you MUST believe something is, to believe it is, and you MUST believe something is not, to believe it is not....
You can not destroy that fact, with what you posted...
Whether it is possible, or impossible is irrelevant, the REASON why it is even discussed as possible/not possible, is because there is a REASON, as to why people believe it is possible/impossible...
That does not mean that people auto believe everything is possible...
It means you must believe one way or another about it, to even discuss whether it is possible/or not possible...
Your rejection of a belief, does not tell me that you think Santa Claus in scientifically impossible...
If you tell me, you believe he does not exist, or you do not believe he does exist, than that, in fact, DOES tell me, you think he is not possible....
A rejection of a belief, tells me, you are currently uncertain as to whether he actually does exist or does not exist...
As far as I know, people are not talking about living on a planet, 6 galaxies away right now...Why? because no one has a current belief either way, as to whether it is even possible or not...
Once they do, people will try to guesstimate, if it is even possible or not....
After, they have a belief, as to whether it can or can not happen...
Like you have done with your "scientific analysis" of Santa Claus....
And why should I take, what you say as factual anyways??