Setanta and Steve and others have said it well, but I'd like to reinforce the point: the thing that really bugs me about this is that it's just dripping with cynicism and political opportunism.
If George Bush genuinely had a burning interest in space exploration it would be one thing, but it's pretty obvious he doesn't. Karl Rove was just throwing things against a wall named "visionary and inspirational", and this was what stuck.
You want cynical? How about an initial funding proposal of $12 billion? When Bush the Elder costed out a similar program in 1989 it came to $500 billion. If you adjust for inflation and add in the usual cost overruns that means we're looking at a price tag of oh, around a trillion bucks or so. Funny that Younger took such pains to avoid saying that.
"Spacecraft assembled and provisioned on the moon could escape its far lower gravity using far less energy and thus far less cost"? Give me a break. How does all this stuff
get to the moon to be assembled in the first place? (Hint: it comes from a nearby planet with a famously large gravity quotient.)
The moon "contains raw materials that might be harvested and processed into rocket fuel or breathable air"? I can see the sign now: "The Halliburton Lunar Atmospheric Processor." (Do you remember what the mega-corporation in the movie
"Aliens", the one that wanted to weaponize an Alien, was also in the business of ? 'Atmospheric processing'.
I'm tellin' ya, these guys watch too many movies...)
In the end I guess
David Appell expresses my thoughts better than I can:
If we were going to spend a trillion dollars on big science -- something I could easily support -- there are
loads of better places for it than this.
What a wasted opportunity. What a bullshit political ploy.
another thing: have you ever noticed how Bush is always proposing legislation that doesn't really have an impact until he's safely re-elected -- or long out of office?
Tax cuts, No Child Left Behind, the Medicare prescription benefit...add this to the list.