Some of you know I take a photo of the sunrise every morning and write a short poem or piece of writing to go with it.
I've been doing every day now for just short of two years.
Whether I'm here in NYC or traveling to the Outer Banks or at my friend's house by the pond in Connecticut, I get up, go out, take the shot and write down what comes to me.
I haven't missed a day in those two years.

This is what came to me this morning:
Caring for Your Pet Obsession
An obsession cannot be on a leash, unless it's like a pet bear, where it let's you think you're leading it around while all the while it's chasing you.
So, that got me to thinking: Is this becoming an obsession? And, if so, isn't it, in this case, as opposed to say the camera tricks Anthony Weiner was up to, a good thing?
And I wanted to know what's your secret obsession?
Okay, okay, get back here. Let me re-phrase: Uh, what was the secret obsession of that person you once knew or heard about a long time ago? (wink)
What is the odd, but harmless, fixation that seems to possess some people completely and let others be unfazed. (nudge)
I would like to know its story. When it arose, how it played out, how long you, I mean, what'shishertheirname continued with it and how it ended.
And I'd like to talk about obsessions, how they seem to both heat us up and cool us down.
(You've known people who cannot get through a week unless they see their "program". They are wound pretty tight until the program starts, then they seem to relax because ,,, well, I don't know why, that's part of what I'd like to discuss. ----- I'm thinking right now about Raymond Babbit's need to see Judge Wapner
every afternoon. )
One final question: Is it an essential part of succeeding in life to have an obsession with succeeding?
Joe(I can't stop thinking about this.
