The GOP Joint News Conference
By Neal Boortz
First .. we just have to stop calling these Charlie Foxtrots “debates.” They’re not. They’re joint news conferences. That’s fine, but let’s call then what they are and drop the phony press-friendly labels.
The Tea Party folks have been out in force since the debate hitting the Internet polls to make sure Michelle Bachmann shows well .. but that would be the same with every candidate up there. I was quite busy blocking Ron Paul followers who were sending me those “You’re a fake Libertarian” Tweets. If I’m a fake they sure don’t need to be following me, and I don’t care to hear from them.
Here are a few categories I would like to rate:
Winner: That would probably be Mitt Romney. He went into the event with a huge lead – part of the credit goes to the proximity to Massachusetts – and didn’t screw up. He also got a pass from the other candidates that didn’t seem to want to confront him on Mass-Care.
Come-from-Behind Award: That goes to Newt Gingrich. First, John King didn’t bring up the mass staff defection last week, and secondly Newt was clearly the most cerebral with his answers. He knocked it out of the park with his comments on illegal immigration.
Passion Award: Put this together with the no-nonsense award and it goes to Herman Cain. He was the only non-politician on the stage, and there’s a good argument for sending the politicians to the back of the bus for this trip.
The “I, I, I” Award goes to Michelle Bachman. We get it. You had a squadron of foster kids. From this point on stick to the substantive answers you have to our problems and let the foster kids thing rest. When it comes time to cast a vote I doubt that people are going to say “I’m voting for that lady with all the foster children.” I suspect that the issue is going to be who can do the most to get our economy moving again and who can create private sector jobs.
The Screwed Over By Your Supporters Award goes to Ron Paul. Much of what this man says makes sense .. and he was on target a lot last evening. The worst thing he has going for him would be the rabid squirrels he has following him everywhere he goes. Send one of those “@talkmaster fake libertarian” tweets and you’ll be blocked. Go show your asses somewhere else.
The Wimp Out Award. Come on, Tim Pawlenty. You assailed Romney on ObamaCare on the Sunday news show … but you wouldn’t do it to his face?
The Cringe-Worthy Moments. That would be when John King steered all of these candidates into their social conservative positions. Let’s hope a lot of independent female voters weren’t watching last night, because if they were they started checking Republicans off their lists as the candidates tried to upstage each other on the abortion issue. Whether people approve of abortion or not, they don’t want a government that is strong enough to point a gun at a woman’s head and force her to continue with a pregnancy she wishes to terminate. Obama and the Democrats smiled during this segment of the debate last night.
I was particularly irritated with CNN’s handling of the debate. This 30-second answer stuff is nonsense. Perhaps our country is suffering due to too many 30-second solutions. All of the John King grunting and sighing got a bit old.
We’ll see how y’all feel on the show today!