I'm from a hollywood early days family. Read the Reporter and Variety early.
When was it - for me some odd date where a woman I worked with at the hospital cashier's office (I would have been eighteen) wanted me to meet her brother; I think, this is a long time ago, they were Hungarian, recently here in the US. I later had more hungarian friends, but this was then. He took me to see a foreign film, something about Christ Must Die or similar, Greek, I think. I didn't mind him. I likely didn't get the film at all, or only a little bit. My mother couldn't stand him, he smelled. (I have close to no sense of smell.) That went nowhere. I assume he gave up as I was too blank. He was tweedy, which, ya know, I kind of like.
I liked movies generally, including some of the famous ones, but I grew to have interest in non block busters, movies that told good stories. And batches of them were not made by hollywood studios.