Wed 18 May, 2011 06:23 pm
The blastocyst is the beginning of development of all cellular human beings. Eventually, cleavage begins and the cells propagate profusely and soon will be chemically structured to differentiate and diverge into the four dermic layers of our bodies. Stem cells, for applicable and affective medical research can be removed from the blastocyst and be utilized in advanced medical treatments which may come to prolong human life in the coming decades. However, in embryonic development, is the blastocyst considered a sentient and existent being, when it is terminated. Invitro fertilization allows these cells to develop solely for the purpose of biological researching use. bear in mind as well, that the brain is not fully develop until after 16 weeks in development in the whom. Is this medical research ethical, and does this inhibit the development of a being. are cells and their development considered to be human, in this stage of development. theologians and biologists have already pronounced their opinions, but I ask you, is this ethical?
Blastocysts aren "harvested" as you seem to imply. They are usually removed (You can say aborted at that stage IMHO). However their reasons for the termoination are varied and are the choice (usually) of the mother or med science. Using the embryo for other purposes is entirely ethical by our present laws.
As we develop new ways of harvesting undifferentiated stem cells from neotic tissue or causing some form of "retrograde" development may supplant embryonic stem cells in the furture, just not yet.At that time, we will, no doubt, continue to dispose of the blastocysts and early term ebryos like we used to do before the discovery of embryonic stem cells.
This argument is so silly to me. Where was the indignation in earlier years?