wayne wrote:If that was the case, why did the south feel it necessary to open hostilities against the Union?
Thay did it because there was an
ALIEN military presence in the middle of their country.
That violated their sovereignty.
What woud the North have done in the same circumstance ??
wayne wrote:We'll never know what the union might have done had the South not committed an act of aggression.
I suppose the South coud have
starved them out of Ft. Sumter,
but thay overestimated their long-term strength.
wayne wrote:That action made them rebels, plain and simple.
They went from political strife to armed rebellion in one stupid move.
That is true
ONLY if u accept the Union's Roach Motel theory of federalism.
Do we have the right to leave NATO or the UN?
or the Organization of American States?? or the Book of the Month Club ?
In case u missed my post on this point hereinabove,
I will re-iterate it, for your convenience:
"The Founders woud never have intentionally locked their own States
into an inextricable situation. If thay 'd
tried to do so,
the States woud have
rejected their efforts.
For instance, the will of the Founding States
is expressed in the New York Instrument of Ratification:
" 00/04/17 NY Instrument of Ratification of the Constitution
Record Group 11, The National Archives, Washington, DC
". . . That the powers of government may be reassumed by the people
whensoever it shall become necessary to their happinesss ....
the People have a right to keep and bear Arms;
that a well regulated Militia, including the body of the People
capable of bearing Arms,
is the proper, natural and safe defence of a free State;
That the Militia should not be subject to Martial Law, except in time of
War, Rebellion or Insurrection.
THEN: Be it known that We the People of the State of New York, Incorporated in
statehood under the Authority of The Constitution of the United States of America
by the New York Instrument of Ratification, thus are graced by the
full benefits and liberties predicated under that document;
or we are made
and held captive under Unlawful Powers to which Under God we cannot,
must not, and do not submit.” [All emfasis has been added by David.]
* * *
I 've heard that several of the other States' Instruments of Ratification
included similar reservations of rights clauses, escape clauses, tho I have not checked the others.
David "