from what perspective are you addressing that question ?
Are you asking if there is an objective ground for morality ?
because if there is in principle both should match together...
@Fil Albuquerque,
I myself think that morality is relative to the species needs in a first degree order and on cultural context on a second degree order but never absolute in itself...
...morality is an "operating system" for optimizing productivity in a social species...
(several different operating systems can be proven to work well)
@Fil Albuquerque,
....it may be the case that there is a pattern to all moral and non moral operating systems but that is an issue in itself beyond morality...
how does that work for you ?
...let me guess, its obscure...
@Fil Albuquerque,
The fact that there are some moral universals, such as thou shall not kill members of your own community without community approval does suggest a "species" dimension. And the fact that moral systems tend to vary with cultures suggests a collective or social dimension. And the fact that some individuals have what we might call individualistic versions of some morals, an ideosyncratic (or ideopathic) dimension. Life is complex.
@Fil Albuquerque,
I don't believe there is an "objective ground" for anything. All is the expression of human construction, and that is ultimately subjective or inter-subjective. Even "universal" values are ultimately social constructions that differ only in terms of geographical scope, not in terms of their psychological nature.
In the end, what is our purpose and how is it defined?
Your question presupposes there is a purpose of which you have yet to substantiate. Unless you can substantiate, your question is nothing more than the logical fallacy of the loaded question.
Ah, Chumly's back. Where have you been? We can count on you to provide some wisdom to any thread.
You're most kind and it's a real pleasure to read your posts as well. Three years ago I started teaching full time at a large technical institution, so my spare time has more or less evaporated.
yet another tragic tale of this website being destroyed by our jobs and real lives... sigh.
Are purpose is defined by what we do if we've accoplished nothing then what was our purpose? Affect someones life? Enlighten someones day? Our purposes are sometimes small so they hide in the shadows while we think purpose means we must affect the world when all we have to do to have a purpose is tge small things u do every day
that's a good purpose! im sure you will!
Our purpose is assuredly to thrive in the convalescence and prolific bounty of thought, for as Descartes so acutely defines- "I think, hence I am", and " I am what I am by my mind which defines me as what I am in thought, distinguishable from my body"- (brutally inaccurate translation, but couldn't find the text). Therefore, it elucidates us that our purpose is to live, to think, and to be defined by our thought.
Quote:thou shall not kill members of your own community without community approval does suggest a "species" dimension.
The same morals of a wolf pack or any other pack animal for that matter.
I'm thinking i'm the smartest person in the world...
Yes, morals are fundamentally reducible to our animal nature (i.e., the logic of forming and maintaining societies/packs).
our purpose , to survive as long as we can , Humanity
defined by the survival of the living things on this planet and their importance of our survival , physically and mentally
Evolve the best way you can.
tenderfoot wrote:
Evolve the best way you can.
agreed , but not just that
but as you evolve keep in-mind the enviroment in-which you live as well
for the enviroment effects and affects your , our , evolution
Quote: in the end, what is our purpose and how is it defined?
ASSUME that we have a "purpose";
Y do u
DO that?????
the only purpose we have is to ourselves , Humanity and the home upon which we are made , Earth
there doesn't need to be some higher metaphysical purpose
just us , about us and nothing more than us