come to the south niqqa end up dead,niqqa throw up your hood
ill make your mouth turn red,niqqa throw up your blood
my gat got a bad stomach so it throws up them clips
then yo back turns to crummage,bodies thrown up and flipped
all this hatin gonna be over ,when i crack your brain
cuz im here to take over,like a iraqui plane
i will blow you in the sky, with the whole fuckin shotty
the leftover mark on your whole fuckin body
yeh boi sammyboy gonna be the champ
the only paper u stacked was a foodstamp
ill scope ya wit precision
ending your ass isnt much of a decision
your a discrimanation
after all your career humiliations
you should be in the movie,final destination
so **** you and your whole abomination
dam bambino lookin like the ghetto queen
samyboy coming wit more raps
**** you never seen
and i turned your girl from hard to mushy
i aint gotta pay,gotta a gift card for her pussy
your mom used her palm and made jackin people a sport
she gets fucked more times then black people in court!!!!!