Hey mate, i know how you feel. It's a normal thing to watch porn but when it becomes an addiction or out of your control, it is a real problem. I know because i started watching it around when i was 15 because of my siblings as well; and like you, it was something i couldn't control. I'm 22 now and I have been dealing with this for a llloooonnnggg time, and like you i've always wanted to stop but i'm always tempted to watch more. The only solution I can think of that has helped me also is for you to make a firm decision to stop watching it and to do other things to distract you from watching it or thinking about it. Every time i get tempted i always make a firm decision right then and there that i wasn't gonna allow myself to watch it and i would do other things to distract myself from watching it like exercising, reading, drawing, etc. Don't get me wrong it is so hard to give up porn, but if you keep persevering and not give in to it you'll find that you'll get better at controlling it and dealing with it; "Don't let it control you, you have to control it". Also don't condemn yourself or look down on yourself because of it...honestly that's what porn does, it makes you feel bad and guilty. That's why it's bad for you, it fills your mind with wrong, sexual and impure thoughts so I suggest if you want to stop then you should do it now mate. Hope this helps you, and all the best!!!