Fri 6 May, 2011 06:33 pm
Margaret Thatcher is the most right wing post-war British Prime Minister. Even she accepted that the NHS was something that she tinkered with at her peril. Even though the NHS suffered greatly under Thatcher she constantly claimed that she was spending more money in real terms on the NHS year by year.
The NHS wasn't really properly funded until Labour got in. Conservative David Cameron was only able to become prime minister by stating, as an election promise that he would cut 'the defecit not the NHS.' This is a promise that's beginning to bite him in the arse, because when people start to believe the NHS is not safe under Conservative hands it's Bye bye Dave.
Barack Obama's proposed health reforms bring 'socialised medicine,' (a phrase unique to America), far short of the standards the UK offered in the depths of Thatcherism. Therefore Barack Obama is more right wing than Margaret Thatcher.