Wed 4 May, 2011 12:20 am
Hi this is for a tattoo i want to get but in latin. On another forum someone suggested mei solius fiducia. I am just wondering if that would be correct or the best way to say it since this is going to permanently be on my body. To me it means that all i need is me and that i dont need to have faith in anyone but myself to get me through life. Hope someone can confirm, deny or help. Thanks in advance guys
@Zach C,
Hope you don't have any faith in anyone else helping out here
Aw, he'll get an answer. I have faith in George.
@Zach C,
The translation you got is correct.
Thanks George. Appreciate the response
@Zach C,
You're welcome, Zach C.
It's always a good idea to have a second party review a translation.