Okay, I'm going to answer this post point by point, because I think it's interesting in how differently we apparently view things. It doesn't mean I think I'm right and you're wrong - it just means we apparently view these things differently.
Quote:Do you honestly take the criticisms of strangers to heart? I doubt it.
Actually, sometimes I take constructive criticisms of me made by strangers MORE seriously and to heart because I think to myself that they're more objective and based on simple observation than might be the comments of someone who knows me and loves me and doesn't want to hurt my feelings.
Quote:Well, this assumes the other person is in fact an expert. I haven't seen any evidence of that in this or many other cases here on A2K.
I think JTT is arguably an 'expert' on language. He knows more than I do about parts of speech - I'll tell you that.
He also seems to know a lot about woodworking and construction.
Quote:It's simply not pleasant to interact with. Why would I continually inflict unpleasant interactions upon myself?
But that doesn't address my question about the appropriateness of essentially baiting and making fun of someone who may or may not have a problem interacting with people.
I don't think JTT does, but what if someone else on the forum did?
I don't think it's appropriate to ridicule people like that.
Quote:I don't find it either immature or unfair. In fact, I believe that it's an exact description of the way life actually works. We're ALL willing to cut people more slack when we know that they have redeeming features. When someone doesn't display those features, they get less slack cut.
Well the point I'm trying to make is the one that you made first - that because we are on the internet, we have no way of knowing what anyone else's redeeming features may or may not be.
Me, I'm afraid to be mean to anyone on the internet because I can never know if they're sitting there desperate for interaction and my mean or cutting remark could affect them more devastatingly than I could ever know.
And that goes back to my point about the Aspberger's situation.
Quote:Take a second and think about your own personal relationships, your friends and family. Do they do and say things that you wouldn't put up with, from others? Of course they do. Half of what friendship is about is the ability to say things that arguably would be quite rude coming from a stranger.
I have been called more names and have had more nastily rude comments made about me by people here (only a few, thank goodness) than I ever have by any of my family or friends, EVER, in my whole life.
I don't have people in my life who call me names and ridicule me.
Now - that doesn't bother me because they don't know me and they don't know what they're talking about. But if someone who is knowledgable in a field that I want to learn about calls me a liar in a post on another thread, for some reason, I'm able to put that aside and read what they write about something else I might be interested in and want to learn about.
Maybe it's because I know myself - I don't know - but I can separate the two - and I do.