Why did Severus Snape kill Dumbledore? In what way is that protecting Harry?
I just saw Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, and I have read the books. If Severus was just trying to protect Harry, as we all find out in the end, I still do not understand why he killed Dumbledore? Did Dumbledore know Snape was going to kill him all along? Thanks!
2 years ago Report Abuse by saradabe... Member since:
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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
To previous posters: if you had read the book then you should know what happens, therefore none of this is a
spoiler. If you didn't read the book when it came out 4 years ago then chances are that you weren't planning on reading it and shouldn't care otherwise.
What happens:
Basically Snape was doing what he was told from Dumbledore and trying to make Voldemort believe that he was on his side. He was put under the unbreakable curse in order to prove his loyalty to Voldemort, but what Voldemort didnt know was that Dumbledore's killing was already planned. Dumbledore and Snape were protecting Harry, even though he didn't know it until the last book. He had Voldemort fooled, which ultimately allowed for him to be brought down altogether.
I went to the midnight party for the book and just saw the movie yesterday.
2 years ago Report Abuse 1 person rated this as good
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Jose welll there were several reasons
1. dumbledore was already dieing
2. he didnt want draco to do it
3. he asked snape to do it
4. he posssed the eldar wand which is the most powerful wand and in order to weild it the person has to kill the owner
5.dumbledore want him to prove he was a deatheater
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Other Answers (11)
by kel Member since:
February 12, 2008
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Snape and Dumbledore planned out Dumbledore's death. That's revealed in the Deathly Hallows. Dumbledore was weakened immensely by the horcrux ring he put on which nearly killed him, and by the fight with Voldemort in the Order of the Pheonix. Dumbledore was going to die soon, so by protecting his status with Voldemort by killing Dumbledore, Snape could secretly still throw Voldemort off in every little place he could.
2 years ago Report Abuse 6 people rated this as good by Taz Member since:
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to the OP: Sorry, I read the books and just saw the movie, but I forgot what happened in book 7, so I don't remember why snape killed albus... but I wanted to say the following...
to the
ppl complaining about spoilers: it doesn't matter whether you've seen the movie or read to books or are planning to do either... if you don't wanna see/read any spoilers... why the hell are you even reading this question? it's your own fault that you are reading the spoiler...