Is Capitalism Good or Bad?

Reply Tue 6 Jan, 2004 03:40 pm
Before this thread got all out of whack, I had some thoughts on why the US will stay a capitalistic democracy.

I comes down to shoveling ****. No one WANTS to shovel **** for a living. But, someone has to do it. We pay people to do it because there are a lack of volunteers and no one would want to be told that they must now go shovel **** for 20 years. But, offer a good paycheck and benefits, someone will do it.

Because of that, we have capitalism. It's why communism and socialism will never fully work. It's why the US is a great nation. It's why our country works the way it does.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 6 Jan, 2004 03:44 pm
perception wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
As I've said repeatedly in various threads:

Osama and the fundmentalists are a grave danger to this country...

...but compared with the danger presented by the likes of Perception, they are pikers.

Laughing Damn----thanks Frank for giving me all that respect. I owe it all to the ACLU------THEY ARE THE MOST DANGEROUS ORGANIZATION IN THE US TODAY. While you suckers think they are protecting the constitution---they are actually rewriting it-----that is,what the activist left wing judges( 9th circuit court) have not already re-written. Laughing Laughing You see Frank-----I'm taking my fanatical cues from you as I have nothing better to do at this minute.

Ahhh, but you are back. And that was my plan all along. I really didn't want to see you slink away.

Glad you're here.

My motto is: Keep 'em talking.

Eventually folks like you help make my point for me. :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
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Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 6 Jan, 2004 03:48 pm
McGentrix wrote:
Before this thread got all out of whack, I had some thoughts on why the US will stay a capitalistic democracy.

I comes down to shoveling ****. No one WANTS to shovel **** for a living. But, someone has to do it. We pay people to do it because there are a lack of volunteers and no one would want to be told that they must now go shovel **** for 20 years. But, offer a good paycheck and benefits, someone will do it.

Because of that, we have capitalism. It's why communism and socialism will never fully work. It's why the US is a great nation. It's why our country works the way it does.

Wow! This is the most illogical posting you've ever made.

Imagine running into it here.


...the communists needed people to shovel **** also. And they offered paychecks to the people who did the shovelling that were much, much closer to the paychecks of the people who were supervising the people shovelling **** -- than capitalism will ever offer.

Your argument was ass-backwards.

Using your reasoning, communism should have sunk us.

Go back and do it over again.

And this time, THINK!
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Reply Tue 6 Jan, 2004 04:06 pm
Frank, a very good friend of mine is a Former Soviet, and you couldn't be more wrong. The principle is not the fact. Only the bosses there had any money and those that did all the work got dick. Her aunt, a school teacher once went 6 months without getting paid. She couldn't quit anyway, because she wouldn't be able to get another job. Disgusted, I asked; how much money are we talking about here?... So I sent her the $100. Our growing government is a problem, but the communist system accelerates the "F@@K the people" mentality to ludicrous speed. Imagine if we were buying our $200 hammers with 1/10th the GDP.
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Reply Tue 6 Jan, 2004 04:22 pm
Further thought: The criminal favor buying "business as usual" that is milking this country; is the very essence of communism in practice. It becomes a nation full of people competing to be the least productive, because outside of government there is no reward for productivity. The selfish capitalistic natural leaders rise to the top of government and trade what little GDP there is amongst themselves. Capitalism rocks because: if you do the **** job, you get paid more. If you work twice as much, you earn twice as much. Proof? If you don't offer enough to shovel the ****... no one will pick up the shovel. Try saying no in N Korea.
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Reply Tue 6 Jan, 2004 04:38 pm
Perception, don't you think you are overstating the threat of Bin Laden, at least a little? A ration of bathtub stick-um would save more lives than Bin Laden's taken. His actions were merely the catalyst of our market's adjustment. The adjustment was coming anyway. By the way; I am all for hunting him and others like him till they are all gone or forever, which ever comes firstÂ… But I'm not ready to burn the constitution to accomplish it.


The following is an excerpt from an article in the Weekly Standard regarding support for the Patriot Act----the bottom line is (the url doesn't work because the article is dated 3 Nov 2003 so I guess that archive has been deleted) that while Republicans are reluctant to publicly support the Patriot Act ------two prominent Democrat Senators are not:

No, what the Patriot Act really needs are some Democratic defenders.

And, we're pleased to report, it now has two. They deserve a loud round of applause, and a great deal more publicity.

At last week's Senate hearing, Joe Biden of Delaware didn't have to say that "the tide of criticism" being directed against the Patriot Act "is both misinformed and overblown," that "I stand by my support" of that law, and that the Ashcroft Justice Department has "done a pretty good job in terms of implementing" the law's provisions. But Biden did say all these things, anyway. And California's Dianne Feinstein went further still, in a stern and lengthy lecture about the concrete reality of U.S. anti-terrorism law--as opposed to the paranoiac fantasy version now being circulated throughout the land by the likes of Bob Barr and Howard Dean. How's about we concentrate on some facts, Feinstein suggested.

"I've tried to see what has happened in the complaints that have come in," she said, "and I've received to date 21,434 complaints about the Patriot Act." Except these turned out to be unrelated civil liberties gripes, or complaints about a "Patriot Act II" that doesn't yet exist. "I have never had a single [verified] abuse of the Patriot Act reported to me. My staff emailed the ACLU and asked them for instances of actual abuses. They emailed back and said they had none."

The widespread hullabaloo over the Patriot Act, Senator Feinstein concluded, proceeds from "substantial uncertainty . . . about what this bill actually does do." And "perhaps some ignorance," she added.

We'd challenge that "perhaps" part. Otherwise, we're with Dianne Feinstein a hundred percent. Wonders never cease.

Frank Apisa
Please note what Senator Feinstein says about ---- SUBSTANTIAL UNCERTAINTY AND IGNORANCE.

Please tell me how you can develop the perception that the Patriot Act provisions are analogous to "burning the constitution" after reading Senator Feinsteins comments.
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Reply Tue 6 Jan, 2004 05:43 pm
No sweat. I am a non partisan person. I have no more faith in one party than the other. My understanding of the second portion of the Bill could be distorted from links to crappy news sources I've followed off of A2K, but... any Bill that eliminates the need for a Judge's signature to examine financial records; violates my freedom of anonymity. There is a huge difference between checking up on a suspect, and checking up on everyone. The Supreme Court has repeatedly held that "the purpose of a search can not be to discover what crime has been committed". Without reasonable grounds to be suspicious, the government has no business poking there nose in the private affairs. That is the constitutional degradation I am speaking of. I wouldn't much care if there was bi-partisan support for such a Bill, as the results would still be a forfeiture of a constitutional right.
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Reply Tue 6 Jan, 2004 09:29 pm
A very adequate response, Occom Bill
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Reply Wed 7 Jan, 2004 11:52 am
Occom bill

I agree with JL-----your response was excellent and I agree with your desire to protect our hard won individual rights from possible abuse from any gov't--------in time of peace and tranquility. When innocent flight attendents have their throats cut so that religious lunatics can gain access to the flight controls of airliners and then direct those missiles into huge buildings full of working people in hopes of killing them all-------when the lead lunatic declares war on you and me and our children (check some of these documents out http://www.lib.ecu.edu/govdoc/terrorism.html and here is his declaration of war http://www.fas.org/irp/world/para/docs/980223-fatwa.htm then it is time to re-examine the threat and take whatever action is appropriate. The conditions of peace and tranquility no longer exist.

When a country declares war it is a simple procedure to eliminate the threat but when you must sift through the billions of people on the planet----to find a few---- then I believe extraordinary surveilance measures are warranted. If that means giving the gov't some extra authority I support it-----those who have something to hide will bleat to the ACLU but hopefully the majority of citizens and common sense will prevail.

Most of you don't realize or won't admit knowing it but many of the provisions of the Patriot Act will automatically die in 2005. The remaining provisions will be reviewed by Congress for possible repeal. If the threat no longer exists things will return to the status quo-----the ACLU will wag the dog again.

Now what the hell is everyone so PARANOID about?
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Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 7 Jan, 2004 12:11 pm
perception wrote:
Most of you don't realize or won't admit knowing it but many of the provisions of the Patriot Act will automatically die in 2005.

Only if the current moron-in-chief and the thugs who advise him removed -- otherwise you are the one who will not "admit" that things will probably be dangerous way past 2005 -- and these polluters of the constitution will not let it expire.

The remaining provisions will be reviewed by Congress for possible repeal. If the threat no longer exists things will return to the status quo-----the ACLU will wag the dog again.

Now what the hell is everyone so PARANOID about?

Probably because many of us are able to recognize pond scum when we see it -- and pond scum is still pond scum even if it is dressed up in a suit and has a title before its name. In that case, it simply becomes President Pond Scum or Vice President Pond Scum or Attorney Genreral Pond Scum.

Or at least, that's my guess.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 7 Jan, 2004 12:12 pm

Thanks for asking.

I really wanted to get that off my chest!
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Reply Wed 7 Jan, 2004 01:02 pm

Laughing ......Now tell us what you really think. Very Happy

It must be very gratifying to be such an expert on " pond scum". Tell me---- what does pond scum feel and taste like?
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Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 7 Jan, 2004 01:14 pm
perception wrote:

Laughing ......Now tell us what you really think. Very Happy

It must be very gratifying to be such an expert on " pond scum". Tell me---- what does pond scum feel and taste like?

Apparently it has no special taste or texture, Perception.

I've never tasted any myself, but I have watched George Bush, Dick Cheney, and John Ashcroft lick their lips to moisten them while giving speeches -- and I've never seen a reaction to indicate anything untoward.

Thanks for asking that, also. :wink: :wink:
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Reply Wed 7 Jan, 2004 01:23 pm
It is obvious that most Americans do not REALLY care about their freedom; most have no opinions that would threaten them if expressed in a totalitarian society. They don't really need freedom, they only want economic freedom. It is, therefore, not as surprising as it should be that there is so little objection to the Patriot Acts. I hate to think that we are willing to reduce our freedoms because of our fear of terrorism. We have granted SO much power to the terrorists. We should have the courage of the Isrealis. We should learn to live with the reality that we cannot completely defend ourselves against terrorism, any more than we can avoid thousands of deaths from auto accidents each year. Life may not be totally safe; but at least it can be free if we are willing to keep it so.
Whatever happened to "Give me liberty or give me death!"
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Reply Wed 7 Jan, 2004 04:31 pm
Frank Apisa wrote:
perception wrote:

Laughing ......Now tell us what you really think. Very Happy

It must be very gratifying to be such an expert on " pond scum". Tell me---- what does pond scum feel and taste like?

Apparently it has no special taste or texture, Perception.

I've never tasted any myself, but I have watched George Bush, Dick Cheney, and John Ashcroft lick their lips to moisten them while giving speeches -- and I've never seen a reaction to indicate anything untoward.

Thanks for asking that, also. :wink: :wink:


There are many blind people who need your help, especially ladies who might shake hands with or kiss Howard Dean------they would immediately be able to identify him as "POND SCUM". You need to turn in your badge as a pond scum expert.

You really do disappoint me-----
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 7 Jan, 2004 04:34 pm
perception wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
perception wrote:

Laughing ......Now tell us what you really think. Very Happy

It must be very gratifying to be such an expert on " pond scum". Tell me---- what does pond scum feel and taste like?

Apparently it has no special taste or texture, Perception.

I've never tasted any myself, but I have watched George Bush, Dick Cheney, and John Ashcroft lick their lips to moisten them while giving speeches -- and I've never seen a reaction to indicate anything untoward.

Thanks for asking that, also. :wink: :wink:


There are many blind people who need your help, especially ladies who might shake hands with or kiss Howard Dean------they would immediately be able to identify him as "POND SCUM". You need to turn in your badge as a pond scum expert.

You really do disappoint me-----

If that was an attempt at being clever -- it failed.

It made no sense! :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Wed 7 Jan, 2004 04:38 pm

I totally reject your premise that we can't defeat terrorism. They will keep trying until they obtain a nuclear device that can be brought in by ship and exploded in New York harbor or some other densely populated port. Will you change your mind then?
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Reply Wed 7 Jan, 2004 04:43 pm

Your denial won't change the fact that Howard Dean fits your description of "pond scum" completely. Have a nice day----what's left of it Very Happy
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Reply Wed 7 Jan, 2004 06:35 pm
Perception, I think we can CONTAIN terrorism, relatively speaking. I did say that we should spend more money on our intelligence agencies and guarding our ports. But I do not believe we can completely defeat terrorism and more than we can eliminate all crime and the drug underworld industry.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 7 Jan, 2004 06:47 pm
perception wrote:

Your denial won't change the fact that Howard Dean fits your description of "pond scum" completely. Have a nice day----what's left of it Very Happy

You have a nice day too, Perception.

Come back tomorrow and explain this post to me, because it makes even less sense than your last one.

I especially want to know where I described pond scum.
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