dadpad wrote:
oh well thats all right then.
Obviously she is easy if there a no window coverings in her bathroom.
you know what i mean.. it pays to advertise and all that.
The bathroom is on the second floor, so some sort of external thing would be harder. Possible but harder.
A lot of these solutions hit one or two of the things I'm going for but not all of them. (So, what am I going for? I guess:)
1.) Waterproof. Currently the spray from the showerhead hits the wood and glass window. So it has to be quite waterproof (I'm really thinking I'll end up with a clear shower curtain over the window, in some capacity).*
2.) Opaque. Since there is a direct view from 15-20 feet away (our neighbors have a row of windows on their second floor that have an excellent view), the window treatment needs to be opaque on two levels. The plain old see-through level, and the projection screen level. (As in, even if the screening effect is blocked, if there is
some light and not enough protection on the window, the neighbors would still be able to see in pretty easily).
3.) Allows in a lot of light. We have only two windows on that side of the house and the other one is far away, so I really like having light come in that window. That rules out some of the more halfway solutions I think (like the window decals). (The window lights not just the bathroom but the hallway too.)
4.) Cheap and easy. (The project, not me.) Less than $100 max I'd say.
At this point what is looking best is some sort of dark/ truly opaque window treatment that can be moved aside when it is not being used, to let light in. I think blinds with a clear plastic curtain over them comes closest thus far. Possibly paired with a heavy regular shower curtain that also can be moved aside.
* This is approximately what the window looks like (the sill doesn't slope though):
The front part of the sill and the trim are waterproof, but the inner part of the sill and the sashes etc. are all wood and can't be subjected to shower spray on a regular basis.