David wrote:Indeed, Stephanie lost a sale in one of tonight's shows
because her customer was not willing to wait.
She said something like: "Well, the law is the law."
BillRM wrote:A waiting period for buying a shotgun is not the same as selling or buying a class two weapon.
I 've not checked this, but so far as I understand, the time involved
is not a waiting period, its just bureaucratic delay
in completing the federal registration process,
but I 'm not a gunsmith, nor have I been involved in such federal registration.
I wonder whether the progeny of the
McDONALD cases
will end all of that, in time.
BillRM wrote:I once knew a guy who went through the legal hoops for owing
a Thompson machine gun and it is a long and costly road indeed.
I also often wonder how in the hell he could afford to fire the
damn thing as fifty to a hundred 45 rounds fire in a few seconds
is costly as hell and you can not fire reloads in such a weapon.
Well, that 's the cost of doing business,
and its
LOVE machineguns and submachineguns.
BillRM wrote:Last comment I had watch a numbers of those shows myself
and the only one I had seem concerning the legal issue of buying
a weapon was the woman wishing to buy a shotgun.
Last nite, thay had the one with the Sheriff who wanted his replica
Thompson gun upgraded to fully automatic fire.
Will told the Sheriff that the paperwork woud be finished
in a few weeks. He 'd then hand-deliver it to his team.