I'm interested in the meshing, that we act with curiosity while we explore in making a painting or other works, while our hands move or don't. Or, making a good cabinet with joinery. I don't know about that since I haven't done it.
I've made batches of landscape paintings that only mean something to me, nothing to others, well the buyers, so I somewhat get the stoned insistence on a kind of perfection, though perfection was never a goal for me. I get the stoned sort of going on.
I'm more interested that this guy brings up the obvious, that people who work with their hands sometimes or often use their minds. There has been a lot of cultural dichotomy going on. I guess I wish we could hear great masons let loose and talk (I suppose we can, I haven't googled it). I've only known one really good mason, and the talk was all about how the wall would work, appropriate for the work occasion. But he was very artful, and now I'd like to hear more about his process.
I remember back when I was fixing up my mother's house in order to pay her nursing home bills (alzheimer's), that I had some friends come over one day to help me. Total waste of time. None understood how windows worked, etc.
My inamorata at the time was an m.d. He was the most clueless.
I was young then, but not so long before, when I was a teen, my parents and I had fixed up that house (my father knew carpentry), so I just had a glimmer about construction but my friends were out to lunch. Indeed, it ended up being a picnic and a day off for me.