znljubica wrote:
child-bearing is never wrong.
False. Some people do not want children, but are careless about prevention. They often neglect and abuse their children. Some people cannot afford to feed or give children the basics for survival and the child suffers or dies. Our world does not have infinite resources, so only people who want children should have them. If a woman does not want to be a mother, or have more children than she can take care of ,or is not healthy enough to give birth, she should have options to prevent getting pregnant.
znljubica wrote:
Children are the only value that remains after us.
Your good works are all that matter. Raising a happy, healthy, compassionate child can be one of those good works. Many great things have been invented or done by people who did not have children. Many good people have given birth to bad people, so there are no guarantees.
znljubica wrote:
Giving birth is healthy for a woman.
Complications from childbirth is still the number one killer of young women in this world. Women in poorer countries often suffer for a lifetime with untreated problems due to giving birth.
znljubica wrote:
Women with many children get serious illnesses less frequently than women with one child.
There is some evidence that women who give birth are less likely to get breast cancer, but other than that there are no real advantages. After two children, women tend to suffer more from depression and issues such as weakened bladders or collapsed uteruses. The happiest women in the world are those who are educated, have some financial resources, family stability and have control over their own bodies.