oristarA wrote:
Repost the German into the box and translate it into English. You'll find the so-called translation is just bullshit.
Not really bullshit but a rather good translation for a machine. And even some students wouldn't do it better, I think ... as a native German speaker.
Thus, my translation isn't very different:
"Sie sind intelligent, lieber Freund."
['mate' actually means "Kumpel", but you wouldn't write it in this context, I suppose - though I don't know the context]
"Es ist sinnlos, wenn Sie irgendetwas beachten was Mary sagte oder sagt. Offensichtlich ist sie ist immer im Rauschzustand."
["patient of euphoria" - no idea of the context, literally it really means 'Euphoriepatient']
"Alles was hier, dort und überall gesprochen hat ist Scheiße."