With this entire premise of pan species ethics I may have to break my contract with the exterminating service. Ive been paying them big bucks to essentially keep my farm rodent free .
The burden of control of vermin gone into hyper fecundity (which is a scientifically evidenced phenom) will go where in your world?
Respoect of animals lives is selective in y mind, as is the value of certain animals as nourishment for humans and other animals. (My digs get chicken every so often and ham fat during winter)
Im glad that the world doesnt have to pause and consider these fringie concerns that some wag feels hes just dicovered .
I make money selling my lambs to Muslim customers who use male lambs for all ceremonial and observational communal meals. I also buy chinese foods prepared in aszichaun deli wherein meats are flavorings in most of these traditional dishes.
The neat thing about our cultire here is how we taste, embrace and adopt all these cooking styles and ingredients from all over. In most cultures , meat is a foundational ingredient and thats good enough for me.
This soul searching is born of too much free time from a well fed veggiephagiac minority. I say eat all the veggies you wish, I will eat mine too , but as a component of a more well balanced diet.I like many of them. I am particularly fond of cole crops, beets, asparagus artichokes and sweet potatoes. Salads add interest and some zippy flavorings in a meal. This , to me is the way eating was meant to be, tasty, balanced, and nutritious. I wouldnt eat only meat like a polar bear, my system is not metabolically equipped, but neither would I reccomend the other extreme, especially since most of us do not have a 3 compartment- stomach digestive system like the ruminants do, so, Im sure the way that veggies are presented has to emulate some degree of compromise that parallels our own omnivorous evolution.
I cant really take this thread too seriously , with the noted exception that this version seems to be a last stand effort by one individual who is trying to ustilize science as a baseboard but its not coming through very convincingly.
Im gonna make some scrapple and eggs for breakfass, Mrs F has been up most of the night in the barn (its lambing season again)