@failures art,
It really bugs me when people complain about the slightest little problem or perceived injustice their children encounter in life - like, 'Oh everyone knows that little Jimmy or Mary is the BEST point guard on the team - or the smartest kid in the class - but the coach/teacher (whatever) plays favorites and MY poor child doesn't get the recognition s/he deserves for being the absolutely STELLAR child s/he is - so far above all the rest....why can't EVERYONE recognize that?
but then are complacent about the other children in/on their child's class/team/daily life, who are struggling to make it through the day because they don't have enough to eat or have a roof over their head and do have to deal with harsh voices, eyes that look right through them and hard circumstances every single minute of every single day.
Oh - your child didn't get the trophy or blue ribbon?
What a shame - these other children were never even given a ******* chance.
But yeah - keep crying - your child DESERVED that trophy!
It makes me sick to my stomach how blind people can be to another child's need- yet how much energy they put into making sure that the whole world sees and meets the needs of their child.