Tue 22 Feb, 2011 08:42 pm
that mean goldman guy told me he thought I was a white girl and then to REALLY hurt me, told me to bug off. Will someone please inform this tough guy about how sensitive and delicate I am? I'm crying
I think this is why newbies dint used to be given privileges for a while.
go shave your legs...
Since Abuzz, I thought you were a bear, girl.
I don't need this abuse. I'm reporting everyone to the principal.
What color are the tears? Are they white, orange or beige-colored?
they are unicorn tears.
(he keeps them in a special bottle)
I'd send you a mean PM, too, but i've had you on ignore for years, so i don't ever read your threads.
well now that really more belly rubs for you
You sound a little blue, sky blue or aqua blue
Let's all give him a big hug.
I would bet that underneath that "I don't give a ****" exterior, beats the heart of a pussycat.
I know you're not talking to me. I'm a vulnerable timid little mouse. A tootheless lion, a lovable old grandpa. Everyone knows that.
You'll go to Hell for lyin' too, Boy.
I'm not concerned...there are so many other reasons ahead in line.
I think there'll be so many of us there that the hours will be shorter . . .
Better bone up on your gin rummy, I'll be lookin to give you a lesson.
JGoldman10 should be ashamed of hisself.