Was this part of a Martian epididymis?

Old Goat
Reply Tue 15 Feb, 2011 01:30 pm
"Humans (you and I) lived there billions of years ago.
Earthly humans (scientists) visited Mars many times in the last 300 million years."

Tell me, what inspired you to choose your username.

Were you at all influenced by the look on your Dad's face, when he found you wearing that tinfoil hat on your Prom night?
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Reply Tue 15 Feb, 2011 07:29 pm
Humans started out on Mars over 3 billion years ago. Martian humans as a group never moved to and inhabited the Earth, although a few Martian scientists might have visisted Earth during their stay on Mars.
Humans started out on Earth over 350 million years ago. Earthly humans, like Martians of billions of years ago, never moved to and inhabited Mars as a group, although a few Earthly scientists surely visited Mars and the Moon of Earth for many times during the past 350 million years.

I don't know exactly how Earthly humans flew to Mars. But, consider Nazca lines in Peru, South America. Some people thought the Nazca lines were actually runways of airfield for ancient Earthly spacemen. That is, spacecraft landed on the Nazca lines.
Reply Tue 15 Feb, 2011 10:47 pm
Martian sperm shown more clearly in this enlarged figure:
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Old Goat
Reply Wed 16 Feb, 2011 02:50 am
What's white and sticky and found in a Martian bathroom?

Elvis's latest release.
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Reply Wed 16 Feb, 2011 04:54 am
So you're saying that two separate species of humans evolved, one on Mars over 3bil years ago, and another on earth about 350k years ago? Did these species look the same or were they different ?
Reply Wed 16 Feb, 2011 05:14 am
So people think the earth is flat, too. Erik van Daniken lives!
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Reply Wed 16 Feb, 2011 05:34 am
Humans did not evolve. Humans were created by God. All Martian humans and Earthly humans were led by God to live on Mars and Earth at different times. Human faces and statures may be different, just as Asians look different from Europeans, but one can easily distinguish humans from monkeys.
Reply Wed 16 Feb, 2011 08:12 am
You have no evidence to support your goofy hypothesis. Do you really expect to be taken seriously when you just **** all over the thread?
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Reply Wed 16 Feb, 2011 10:03 am
Irrefutable Martian life remains found in meteorite Lafayette

The following figures show irrefutable Martian life remains (note 1), because their structures of epididymis tubule tissues have never been found in any non-life material. No mineral crystals ever formed the same structures as shown in these electron images:
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Note 1: material originally described in http://www.alphagalileo.org/AssetViewer.aspx?AssetId=41774&CultureCod

Reply Wed 16 Feb, 2011 10:28 am
Leaving aside how hilarious it is that you continue to cite Wretched as though he or she were a reliable source, once could stipulate for argument's sake that the evidence is valid (and i would only stipulate that bullshit consitutites evidence for argument's sake)--and it still doesn't prove or even suggest the idiotic contention that humans existed on Mars three billion years ago. The overwhelming evidence on earth is that here, three billion years ago, only single cell life forms existed--but you want us to believe that humans existed on Mars.

You are seriously delusional.
Reply Wed 16 Feb, 2011 01:56 pm
bewildered wrote:

Humans did not evolve. Humans were created by God. All Martian humans and Earthly humans were led by God to live on Mars and Earth at different times. Human faces and statures may be different, just as Asians look different from Europeans, but one can easily distinguish humans from monkeys.

How do we know you really believe these things and aren't just yanking our chain?
Reply Thu 17 Feb, 2011 12:30 am
No non-life was ever reported to possess the morphology that resembles this stuff on both nano and micron (cell/tissue) levels simultaneously. So, only biological lives possess such morphology.
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Reply Thu 17 Feb, 2011 12:36 am
I don't want you to believe anything. Take it or leave it. It's your own life. You will pay back anyway, just as any physical action will be met with a reaction (payback), sooner than you think.
Reply Thu 17 Feb, 2011 12:46 am
Fame is the last thing I need or like. I have no desire for power. Someone asked me why I thought humans are fuzzy. Consider this:
1. Worrying is not good for humans. But every person worries in his life time. Isn't this illogical to the worrier?
2. Above illogical worrying, and thousands of other similar things, make almsot all humans fuzzy in their mind.
Reply Thu 17 Feb, 2011 06:46 am
It is not illogical to be a "worrier." In fact, it is evolutionarily valuable for humans to take stock of the future consequences of their current choices, and take steps to eliminate or at least to ameliorate those consequences. People who, thousands of years ago, worried about what they would eat in the winter and therefore took steps to acquire and preserve food had an evolutionary advantage over those who didn't.
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Reply Thu 17 Feb, 2011 06:46 am
As i said before, you're serioiusly delusional, and you're a perfect example of what you describe as being "fuzzy."
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Reply Thu 17 Feb, 2011 06:55 am
sounds like bewildered might be a Michael Cremo fan, i love it when he's on Coast to Coast AM, but you have to approach it with the right frame of mind, pretend you're listening to a sci-fi radio drama not somebody who believes what he's saying Razz
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Reply Fri 18 Feb, 2011 02:27 am
Reasons for identifying epididymis remains in meteorite Lafayette

1. According to Wikipedia article (note 1), epididymis is part of the male reproductive system. In humans, it is six meters long, tightly coiled behind each testis. This human epididymis tubule micrograph (Fig. 1): http://www.bu.edu/histology/p/16902lba.htm closely resembles the Martian material (Fig. 2): Edit [Moderator]: Link removed found in meteorite Lafayette (note 2).

2. No Earthly material/contaminants could have got into the meteorite and formed “sperm and tubules” in Figure 2.

3. The origin of the above Martian material is not minerals or any other non-life materialfor the following reasons:
(a) Phylosilicates, or clay, or asbestos may resemble the Martian material on the nano/micron levels, but they are never found to show the size and shape of whole “epididymis tubules” in Figure 2 above.

(b) Other minerals may possibly show the general shape of whole “epididymis tubules”, but such minerals, on the nano/micron/crystal/cell levels, do not show the morphology of phyloslicates, or clay, or asbestos, or “epithelial cells” or “sperm falgellum” of Figure 2 above.

So, the only other non-life possibility is nonminerals that has no life, such as amber, frozen carbon dioxide, man-made fibers, etc. Again, these nonminerals have never been reported to resemble epididymis tubules on both nano and micron levels.

In view of (a) and (b), the Martian material in Figure 2 had its origin in life. As meteorite Lafayette has been confirmed by NASA as originating from Mars, and in view of Point 1 and Point 2, I can only conclude the Martian material in Figure 2 was Martian animal fossil organ remains of epididymys. That life is shown on four levels: on the organ level ( epididymis); on the tissue level (epithelium and tubules); on the cell level (sperm and epithelial cells); on the molecule level (flagellum of sperm). I never saw a Martian fossil showing all four levels of life.

Note 1: Wikipedia article on epididymis

Note 2: Free online article describing the Martian material

All my articles are here: Edit [Moderator]: Link removed

Reply Fri 18 Feb, 2011 04:50 am
OK, the clown has finally identified himself as Wretch. So when he posts this ****, he's using his own blog as source material. Pathetic.
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Reply Fri 18 Feb, 2011 06:01 am
New edition of the Feb. 18 addendum:
Added on Feb. 18, 2011:
Reasons for identifying epididymis remains in meteorite Lafayette

1. According to Wikipedia article (note 1), epididymis is part of the male reproductive system. In humans, it is six meters long, tightly coiled behind each testis. This human epididymis tubule micrograph (Fig. 1): http://www.bu.edu/histology/p/16902lba.htm closely resembles the Martian material (Fig. 2): Edit [Moderator]: Link removed found in meteorite Lafayette (note 2).

2. No Earthly material/contaminants could have got into the meteorite and formed “sperm and tubules” in Figure 2.

3. The origin of the above Martian material is not minerals or any other non-life material for the following reasons:

(a) Phylosilicates, or clay, or asbestos may resemble the Martian material on the nano/micron levels, but they are never found to show the size and shape of whole “epididymis tubules” in Figure 2 above.

(b) Other minerals may possibly show the general shape of whole “epididymis tubules”, but such minerals, on the nano/micron/crystal/cell levels, do not show the morphology of phyloslicates, or clay, or asbestos, or “epithelial cells” or “sperm” of Figure 2 above.

So, the only other non-life possibility is nonminerals that has no life, such as amber, frozen carbon dioxide, man-made fibers, etc. Again, these nonminerals have never been reported to resemble epididymis tubules on both nano and micron levels.

In view of (a) and (b), the Martian material in Figure 2 must have had its origin in an organism. As meteorite Lafayette has been confirmed by NASA as originating from Mars, and in view of Point 1 and Point 2, I can only conclude the Martian material in Figure 2 was Martian animal fossil organ remains of epididymis. The Martian past life is shown on four levels in Figure 2: on the organ level ( epididymis); on the tissue level (epithelium and tubules); on the cell level (sperm and epithelial cells); on the molecule level (flagellum of sperm). I never saw a Martian fossil showing all four levels of life.

Note 1: Wikipedia article on epididymis

Note 2: Free online article describing the Martian material

All my articles are here: Edit [Moderator]: Link removed


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