New edition:
Martian male reproductive tract found in Martian meteorite
Figure 1 below is marked for fossilized partial remains of possible male reproductive tract found in a fragment of Nakhlite meteorite that originated from Mars:
Figure 1: 10,000X Electron image by University of Leicester, UK, marked by me.
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Compare with: Earthly male reproductive tract, showing
epididymis with pseudostratified columnar epithelium with stereocilia.
http://www.sciencesway.com/vb/14152-9-post.html (see histology lab slide 55)
Photo source and credit for Figure 1:
Added on Feb. 13, 2011:
Found: Martian sperm cell/epithelial cell nuclei
A meteorite originating from Mars is found to have contained a sperm cell and many epithelial cells with nuclei as marked in the following two figures:
Figure 1: electron imge marked for epithelium and epithelial cells with nuclei
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Figure 2: electron image marked for fossilized sperm cell and epithelial cells with nuclei
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Image source and credit for Figure 1: Meteoritics and Planetary Science at
Image source and credit for Figure 2: University of Leicester, UK at