Mon 22 Dec, 2003 11:51 am
I will vote for ANYONE who has the best chance of ousting Bush. The removal of Bush Inc. trumps everything in my opinion. How about you?
I will vote my conscience win,lose,or draw, but not against someone. I won't be voting for Bush however.
Pretty much against Bush. I would need to be confident that the person I am voting for would be better than Bush, and while that sets the bar pretty low (entirely IMO of course), I wouldn't vote for just anyone.
I'm still not very enthused about Dean, but if he's it, I'll vote for him.
The options above don't seem to be mutually exclusive, but that's OK. I'll vote for the Democrat, but if it's Lieberman, I'll be holding my nose while I do it. Bush Lite, he should be called...
Bi-Polar Bear
. As much as I dislike Bush I would draw the line before voting for several of the democrats vying for the candidacy. Wild horses could not make me vote for Sharpton, Leiberman or several of the other dwarfs.
I will be voting against George Bush, thank you.
I hope I will also be voting for someone I like -- but that is secondary in my mind.
I will be voting for whom I think will do the best job for their term. If that's Dean, Bush, or someone else.
I'll want to vote my conscience but when the day comes, I'll vote for anyone who can beat GWB & Co. I'm not feeling any of the candidates tho'. Still waiting for someone to come in and electrify things.
eoe wrote:I'll want to vote my conscience but when the day comes, I'll vote for anyone who can beat GWB & Co. I'm not feeling any of the candidates tho'. Still waiting for someone to come in and electrify things.
Sounds as though you are waiting for me to declare my candidacy.
Ain't gonna happen.
Golf takes up too much of my time.
I will vote to rid us of the trolls on Pennsylvania Avenue. I voted for John Anderson in 1980, and was voting my conscience. Had i known what eight years of Ray-gun would have meant, i probably would have voted Carter, although it would not have mattered--but that would have been something i could not have known at the time, just as i could not have known the degree of disaster Reagan portended. Guess it wouldn't have mattered, but i will vote to put this idiot out of the world's misery.
Set I played a metal fund raiser for Jon Anderson at The Switch in Raleigh in 1980..had fun, got drunk, got laid.
Things turned about better for me as a result of the fundraiser than they did for Jon, and the truth is I only played it because his name was the same as the singer for Yes, one of my few heroes.
Well, its a shame really, he was speaking truth, or as close to it as i've ever heard from a presidential candidate. Can't beat a jig at which you get laid, eh?
Well I got laid at most of 'em...but being laid by a middle aged woman in a dress was a real hoot in those days.......political groupies...rock groupies...same ho..different uniform....
I vote my conscience only late in the day after I'm sure a non-Bush candidate will win in my state. If not, then my vote will go to Bush's opponent.
I have issues with George Bush. I was OK with him until this Iraq mess. I just think of him as a loose cannon. Someone you would much rather have on your bowling team, not someone who runs the country.
Definitely not voting for George Bush.
Just like in 2000, when I voted for Gore, I will be voting for the "least worst". I am terribly ambivalent about Bush, but I am not too impressed with the upcoming Democratic candidates either!
I'll prolly do something like what BBB will do. I won't vote, likely, until after work. I'll keep an eye on the exit polls. My state is traditionally liberal, but in the last presidential election about half of it (as I recall) voted for Bush (suburbs....). So, while I think the Boston area will vote democrate, I'm not sure what the rest of the state will do.