Sat 29 Jan, 2011 02:09 am
The highest honour that the nation of Australia bestows are the awards given under the auspices of the Order of Australia. This accolade is indicative of the esteem with which Dutchy is held in the community. Congratulations on receiving your medal in recognition of a lifetime of service to the community Dutchy.
Is it for the most correct crossword answers?
I think it's for helping everyone with the Lovatts and Big Demons, but if it's true, then wow indeed. Is it?
It's for having the most posts at a2k, isn't it?
I'm so proud of our Pope of puzzles!

Congratulations Dutchy!
To put you all in the picture, I made the award to myself on Australia Day on "The Insult Thread", where we play lots of pranks! It also boosted my postings by one which now stands at 165521
Here is a medal you don't have to give yourself: a medal
for being one of the nicest people here on a2k, Dutchy!
Humpf! Looks like a bottle of Crown Royal, if you ask me.
cj wrote :
Quote: ...for being one of the nicest people here on a2k, Dutchy!
and let me honour dutchy by bestowing the HANSEATENKREUZ on dutchy .
well deserved !
presented by :
Isn't it generally agreed that the Order of the Cosmic Eagle, bestowed on Dutchy by the a2k Hamsters, is the highest award in the world?
Congratulations, Dutchy!
At last!
Official recognition, which you so richly deserve!
Oh, wait, I have to fish around for some caviar..
here ya go -
Might be nice with some soda crackers..
Good grief Dutchy!!
This means I have to curtsy whenever I meet you online!
No airs and graces for this puzzler codger from behind the Black Stump ragnel.
Congrats Dutchy!! I've always wanted to know someone famous