Thu 27 Jan, 2011 04:15 pm
The pharoahs had huge projects such as the pyramids. Egypt has a huge population and many are in poverty. They could use the manpower to cut a channel to the depression in the Lybian desert and create an artificial lake bringing water to the parched desert area. It would get unemplyed people working and the lake stocked with saltwater fish from the Mediterranean Sea so there can be fishing. It could create a resort and also bring more wild life such as birds migrating to the lake if trees are planted around the rim. Salt could be extracted and tourism would be increased as those going to the pyramids could visit the lake.
But it might screw up the ecosystem, and I am sure Israel would interfere in some way.
It would help reduce global warming. An unstable Egypt is not good for Israel. Saudi Arabia is spreading fundamentalism around the Arab world. An Islamist Egypt would be bad news for Israel.
Already Tunisia has gone thru a regime change. The poor are neglected.
I remember when gahmel abduhl Nasa sent an Egyptian rocket to the moon. And he built that big pond on the Nile to give the spaceship a safe place to spalsh down. What a guy, that NAsa