Democracy in Egypt will be short lived if a majority votes for an autocratic regime that prohibits future elections.
We often see faux supporters of democracy scold us for not abiding by the "will of the people" who in a single election vote in an autocracy.
"Who are we to judge who they vote for?!"
Answer: People who understand that a fledgling democracy can go quickly down in flames if there is a one man, one vote,
one election result.
A truly democratic nation is built on much more than a single popular election.
It must have the institutional foundation of democracy:
*A free press
* Freedom of association
* Rule of Law
* Dispersed power
* An independent judiciary
* An apolitical military
* Regular elections
*Protection of minority opinions
* A multi-party political system
I'm not predicting it will happen, but it could be the case that given the opportunity for a pure democratic election, the people of Egypt could vote in another dictatorship.
Such an unfortunate outcome is far more likely to occur if pressure to have nearly immediate elections wins out.
Egypt needs time to build democratic institutions. (El Barradai agrees with me)
Obviously there is a risk to not striking while the iron is hot, but if there really is a faith in the Egyptian army, they can take some time and do it right.
If elections were held tomorrow, the group better organized, not neceesarily best for Egypt, would win.