Yes, I mostly agree with you, George. (Just thought I'd shock you.

That's pretty much how I see recent events in Egypt till now ... the first stage was the popular movement to rid the country of Mubarak's dictatorship, the next (current) phase is the move toward civilian government by removing the military "interim government" & demanding genuine democratic elections ....
Where things go from here, in the short & long-term, who knows?
But I admire the Egyptian peoples' fierce determination enormously.
Hawkeye, I don't know how you can so confidently declare something like this:
Quote:The Egyptian elite are pretty weak though, and the Muslim radicals too radical for the people at least for now and too small in number to run the country, so the people are stuck with the military or chaos. I expect them to choose the military.
I don't think any of us here are "experts" on internal politics in Egypt.
We gain our information & insights through the (largely Western) media.
To state that you believe the demonstrators, who have risked so much in their fight for democracy, will settle for military (order over "chaos") is perhaps underestimating the resolve of the Egyptian people?
I really can't see the point in arguing such points with you. You are speculating on the basis of your
opinions & I would be speculating, too, perhaps arguing for the outcome I might prefer.
That seems to me a pretty pointless exercise, given that we are both completely removed from the situation & are receiving all our information second hand.
The reason I posted to this thread today was because of the new upheavals in Egypt. I am very interested in following the developments, but I can't pretend to be "expert" enough to predict what will eventuate. I think we are all interested observers.