@cicerone imposter,
Quote:spendi, Look at the world map; you'll find that Libya is in the area where most of the uprising are taking place to change their government, but Gadaffi is more brutal than the other leaders of the Middle East and North Africa. Nobody knows how far he will go to defend his so-called government.
Are you alright ci.? You are jumping around. First you said I was irrational for talking about G. giving up. Using hindsight as he hasn't yet. I explained why you were irrational. In that explanation I mentioned 4 other countries that highly paid and well connected experts had speculated on TV at some length that he might retire to and you respond--
Quote:Different country, different leader, and a whole slew of other issues.
When I'm astounded at that stupidity and ask you which other country you tell me to look at a world map. And I've been to Libya. On duty. I wouldn't dream of going to a dump like that otherwise. You follow that utter stupidity with some assertions you have got off telly and you cap it off with a vacuity like "nobody knows".
Your problem is that your habit of reducing complexities to simplisms you can spout about will always lead to absurdity because things are not so simple as you like to imagine at your shifting convenience.
I think too many of our media people swooned at Rebel Without a Cause and Easy Rider type tripe and it is possible that Rupert Murdoch types are intelligent enough to realise that they are rebels without a cause. So there's an unconscious bias towards rebels who in this case are Libyans.
Suppose G. kept most of the dough locked up because he daren't risk handing it out at the rate it was being made to Libyans. They might freak out. Like us.