Quote:That seems to me to be the obvious and self-evident conclusion from all that we have observed of the UN over the past decades.
But George---one cannot blame a fledgling world government for the recalcitrance of the material. The idea of world government arose from the destructive nature of modern weapons and the economic interdependence of countries. If you are prepared to go back to spears and bows and arrows and warming ourselves at peat fires you can make a case against the UN.
It's as if you expect a quarter-back to throw a touchdown pass everytime. At this stage of the proceedings the UN's task is almost impossible and the last thing the human race needs is for them to throw up their hands in despair at the prospect. It has 192 member states. That's some baby to wrestle with.
And those who don't support it, and its resolutions, can only bomb an another on its own account. Where is the legitimacy for these attacks without a UN resolution? And why was so much high level diplomacy used to get 1973 passed?
Your objections to the UN have no foundation outside of isolationism in its crudest form. It's passe George. Naive. But I know it sounds good after a few snifters. I can do it myself. Turn it on and off like a tap.
Try defending the UN for a year, simply as an intellectual exercise. Surprise all your buddies at the Yacht Club. You simply wait for one of them, a captain of a 40 footer, say, to say something derogatory about the UN and you say "Now wait a minute there old boy, it's not quite so simple as your simple mind thinks it is." And away you go. If you can get the vein in his temple throbbing you are getting somewhere. The UN website will probably have all the best arguments ready for you to use at just a click away. Sitting in your cane chairs all agreeing that the UN is a herd of free-loading dumb-asses for ever and ever can cause the brain to sieze up in some zones. It wouldn't be so bad if it siezed-up in every zone but alas that's quite rare.
I presumed he would be red in the face to start with. Yachts are serious indignation services. It is evolution's indignation feature to teach us what not to do. Or it might be better to say what not to do if possible.
I've arrived at the state where I can go from one year end to another without the slightest sense of indignation. Even in selling a house and buying another, which has fewer indignation services, I have been unpeturbed at events which I know would drive most of the people I know into slamming doors hard enough for the slates to slide off the roof. It is a sort of theatre of the absurd. Where one wonders what the characters would be doing if they weren't doing this. That this might be the best way of dealing with them and it is one's turn to take one for the team. Something more honoured in the breach than the observance of course.