I'm afraid the US involvement will escalate from now, and they'll eventually own this war.
@cicerone imposter,
He is part Chinese and part Jewish so figure out what part of him is being expressed. Sarkozy is part Jewish too.
My fear is that Afghaistan, Iraq and Yemen will heat up as the US is pre-occupied with Libya
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
Also, georgeob's silence is deafening.
Why bother? The thread has degenerated to childish and stupid backbiting. I have no intertest in it.
georgeob1 wrote:
Why bother? The thread has degenerated to childish and stupid backbiting. I have no interest in it.
I hope you will come back to comment on what I would call Phase 3 of the Libyan uprising. The BBC is reporting that UK and French planes have begun attacking Libyan military vehicles and, along with the US have launched some 110 cruise missiles.
@cicerone imposter,
Quote:Also, georgeob's silence is deafening.
Count your blessings, CI. Why would you want gobs all over the thread?
Dys, since you have such a deep background in the ME why not offer up some thoughts on the whole affair. I know that I'd love to hear them.
It seems they are trying to get information on the damage they did during the first strike before start hit again. They sent over 100 missiles for the first strike.
one wonders how this is playing to the saudi troops propping up the bahrain government
Quote:and, along with the US have launched some 110 cruise missiles.
And the arms industries' officers give each other high fives;
"Isn't this just grand? Who can we demonize next? Mr and Mrs John Q Public are simply frothing at the mouth for more [wink, wink] action."
Secy of Defense Gates argued against the US military getting involved in Libya. He seemed to have Obama's ear, but that was before the anti-Gaddafi forces started to lose ground. Clinton was, I think, the driving force behind getting Obama to join GB, France et al engaging militarily.
The military will, of course, do what they are told to do without questioning the mission.
I did find this quote today though from a retired 4-star general. I know nothing about Anthony Binni, but he does have a way with words.
"This administration has been sucked in by the wily Euro-weenies and the Arab League. We are the consummate "suckees. As Peter, Paul and Mary sang 'When will we learn, when will we learn."
His name is Zinni and he is a Marine & a former CENTCOM commanding general. A very bright and independent thinking guy. I would trust his judgment.
He does indeed have a way with words John. He must think we are all stupid. The idea that you have been suckered is ludicrous. Anti-American too.
I look forward to Fox News tonight to see if Mr Huckabee takes the same line. Let's face it, making suckers of Americans must be the No1 heresy of heresies.
Just think though--if the US had done this in 1956. Plenty of people think you were suckered then.
Nonsense. The Suez thing really sticks in your throat doesn't it. Surely you don't think the subsequent trajectory of Egypt would have been any better if you had continued ... along with the Israelis & French.
It is amusing to observe all the hand-wringing about the Libyan suffering at the hands of the tyrant they have tolerated for a generation, coming as it does chiefly from those who have steadfastly opposed our interventions. For that reason alone we should have let the Europeans go it alone.
the way I see it is like a war between southern baptists fighting the mormons for control of arizona with the mormons sending in some extra missonaries "to maintain order."
Quote:My fear is that Afghaistan, Iraq and Yemen will heat up as the US is pre-occupied with Libya
If you want to worry about someone taking advantage of the Tsunami and Arab revolts, worry about North Korea .
Quote:And the arms industries' officers give each other high fives
You are one real sicko . Legal action is taken to save civilian lives and you think it is a war crime because it is the USA . Who exactly raped you to make you this sick, bitter and twisted ? The 101 Airborne ? The 1 Marine Div ? Perhaps it is because they didnt rape you....
Quote:Nonsense. The Suez thing really sticks in your throat doesn't it. Surely you don't think the subsequent trajectory of Egypt would have been any better if you had continued ... along with the Israelis & French.
I can't imagine it being worse than what we have. And Egypt was only a small part of it.
Quote:For that reason alone we should have let the Europeans go it alone.
Yes--I think that was our preferred option. And what worried your administration. That was the impression I got from seeing John McCain interviewed the other day. And from the gutsy broad's speech tonight.
How on earth was Mr Obama preferred to the lady?