Quote:I think the question is, How much blood on the streets occurs under differing scenarios to what outcome? at least, that's the way I see it.
But that requires fortune telling. And only the Bible is any good at that.
But the person who refuses to hurt anybody would not consider the question. He might tell them where they were going wrong, if he's brave enough, and if he's put on Ignore he might lend one of them his boots. He would wait for destiny to provide the answer.
If there was no-one who would hurt anybody it would be---well--er--er-er--it would be another world.
Did you ever see the Series of Dreams video where Dylan more yearns than sings those two words--another world.
Our science is derived from another world, not of this world. Our mathematics is based on it. The mystical in number. That's why we have church spires and some have domes. Or Onions. The ancient Greeks nearly snuffed the idea out. They had dolmens. They thought they had snuffed it out. They thought it dangerous and you know what they did to dangerous folk. Like Bradley Manning. Some ascetic monks meditated it though. Centuries of it. Some library didn't get burned down. It got through in some dark hole. Why was it a dangerous idea and if it is why can't we manage it to minimise the dangers and see what account it can be put to. If that hadn't been done Gadaffi's oil wouldn't be worth a banana to an overfed chimp. And the anti-IDers wouldn't have a computer to whinge about Christians either.